Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Monthly Bunny Picture

Each month, Momma and Daddy are watching me grow by taking pictures
of me with my UT bunny.

1 month
2 months

3 months

I am 3 months old!

I have been sleeping through the night for over two weeks.
Momma and Daddy took me out of their room, and started
letting me sleep in my crib in my room. They still keep an eye on
me, this is how they see me on the video monitor.
Me on my rocking horse with a little help
from Daddy!

Me in my Johnny Jump Up with Monet in
the background, keeping an eye on me.

Me in my big girl high chair sitting at the table.
Now if I could just get some real food!

Me in my new activity exersaucer.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sleeping Beauty

Sydney has many different sleeping positions. She has learned to soothe herself by sucking her left thumb and rubbing her hair with her right hand. We usually put her to sleep on her side (because of the acid reflux), but she usually ends up on her back or sometimes on her tummy. It is amazing to look at the video monitor and watch her sleep in her different positions.

sleeping on her back

sleeping on her tummy with her knees under her

thumb in mouth and hand rubbing her hair

soothing herself back to sleep

Thursday, August 6, 2009

First trip to the park!

Momma and Daddy took me to Everett Park for the first time.