Saturday, January 16, 2010

8 month bunny pictures

It is so hard to believe that Sydney is 8 months old. I took her to work with me to visit this week and she weighed 14 lbs and 5 ounces. The bunny pictures are getting harder to take because she does not like to sit still; but we still got a few this month.

bunny did not want to look at the camera

Saturday, January 2, 2010

First Christmas

We had a wonderful Christmas! Christmas eve day we went to Granddad and Grammy's house. That night we went to daddy's cousin's house. Christmas afternoon we went to Mamaw Johnson's house with Nana Johnson and Papaw Johnson. The day after Christmas we went to Nana Jama's house.
Sydney got spoiled everywhere she went. Everyone wanted to hold her and she got way too many presents. Momma and daddy are still trying to organize her room.
It was a wonderful blessing to spend her first Christmas with family and friends. We truly missed the ones that could not make it.
Larry and I still get teary thinking what an awesome gift from God we received this year. God is truly amazing and we thank Him daily for all our blessings.