Saturday, March 20, 2010

Cousin Makinley's 3rd birthday party

We had such a fantastic time at Sandy Springs park for cousins Makinley's 3rd birthday party. The day was perfect, sunny and not a cloud in the sky. Sydney enjoyed exploring the wood chips, the swings, the slide, playing in the grass, drinking a little bit of a capri sun, and all the birthday activities. Makinley had a wonderful cake made by Aunt Pamela. Makinley requested a rainbow butterfly cake. It had 5 layers. It was sooo yummy; Sydney even had a couple small bites.

10 month bunny pictures

Here are the 10 month old bunny pictures. She has accomplished a lot this month. She has two teeth and is working on more. She started waving using her hand instead of waving her whole arm. She started dancing to music; especially when she pulls herself up to her activity center. Sitting still is not one of her favorite activities. When she wants to she can stand all by herself after we steady her on her feet for a couple of seconds.