Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Double oo's and checkups

We went to the zoo Sunday with Aunt Pamela, Uncle Todd, cousins Katelyn and Makinley, and Nana. It was such a gorgeous day. The weather was perfect and the company was even better. The children really enjoyed looking at all the animals. Katelyn and Makinley enjoyed helping Uncle Larry push Sydney in her stroller. After seeing all the animals we went to Little Italy to eat. Yummy-yummy.
Monday we went to the doctor for her 9 month checkup. She weighed in at 15 lbs and 2.4 ounces and was 26 inches long. She is in the 3rd% for weight and 7th% for height. The doctor said she is right on track. Sydney tried table food for the 1st time Friday night. She had crackers; then on Sunday night she had some bread. Monday we tried yogurt. I was afraid of the yogurt not knowing about allergies. Sydney's birth mom is allergic to milk; but so far she has no side effects from the yogurt.
Tuesday was the day we found and saw Sydney's 1st tooth. It is on the bottom on the right. Sorry no pictures yet of the tooth. Hopefully it will not take as long to get more teeth.

family picture

Katelyn, Sydney, and Makinley (daddy's hand is behind Sydney)

climbing the web (daddy is right out of camera shot)

sliding with momma

sliding with momma on the blue slide

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Fingerpainting and more...

One night last week Sydney was playing with the food that dropped on her tray with her fingers. I knew we had some fingerpaint in a closet so after she ate we taped some paper on her highchair tray and off she went. She loved feeling the paint with her fingers and watching the paint smear on the paper. Only one time right before we cleaned her up did she try to put her fingers in her mouth. I thought that would be the first thing she did after her fingers touched the paint. Also are some pictures of her playing with some pots and pans. Larry was putting dishes in the dishwasher one night and Sydney thought she would help. She pulled herself up to the dishwasher all by herself.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

9 month bunny pictures

WOW! Sydney is 9 months old! We took her to the GI doctor on Monday the 15th and she weighed 15.3 and was 26 inches long. Her 9 month check up is next Monday the 22nd. Bunny likes her picture taken and can sit still but Sydney has more important tasks to do; like pull on bunny's feet or dress. Enjoy the few pictures I captured on her 9 month old birthday.
Sydney is crawling everywhere these days. She pulls up on furniture but has not tried to cruise yet. Still no teeth but we think we saw one about ready to come thru.

Monday, February 1, 2010

I can crawl

Sydney started crawling a couple of weeks ago on Jan. 20,2010. She has now started exploring more; going into the kitchen on the cool floor and looking at how she is going to maneuver up the stairs (don't worry, we have a gate up). One afternoon she ventured over to the DVDs and pulled all of them off the bottom shelf. When she wants to she is pulling up on toys and furniture.
Enjoy the short video of her crawling toward the Grayson. She loves to follow him wherever he goes. Monet does not like her following her and especially does not like it when Sydney sneaks up on her and grabs her tail. Monet gets up real fast and runs away.